Sunday, February 25, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

"Just around the corner." 
You've heard and probably used that expression.  There are plenty of things "just around the corner." 
Spring Training has begun and teams are playing baseball so Opening Day and the baseball season is "just around the corner."
The college basketball regular season is drawing toward the end and that means the NCAA Tournament is "just around the corner."
Your next trip, vacation, cruise or get-a-way is "just around the corner."
What are some other things, or experiences that may be "just around the corner"?
Some are on the verge of a spiritual awakening and a new grasp of God through a relationship with Jesus Christ is "just around the corner."
Some are ready for a new experience of God and the answer to your prayer is "just around the corner."
There is a new job, a new adventure, a new relationship, a new perspective..."just around the corner."
You get the idea. 
Around the corner is reality.  Around the corner is your next experience.  Around the corner is the fruition of your hopes and dreams in the grace of God.
"Just around the corner" is a new time in the life of our church.  If I could see around the corner (like God can) I would tell you all about it.  But here is the element of faith.  I have a sense of God working but do not have all the details.  They are "just around the corner." 
My prayer for our church, our community, the Northland, the metro area, our state, nation and world is for an amazing spiritual awakening that will re-define our lives. 
I believe...God is working..."just around the corner.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

My insight of the day - The best thing about winter is you can't catch a summer cold.  But you sure can catch a winter one.  But like most of us who have been fighting off colds and flu this winter I am going in the right direction. 
This week I have some real suffering scheduled as I represent our conference Board of Ministry at an event in Orlando.  Maybe I can get out of a conference room long enough to enjoy some 80 degree weather.  I bet I do.
The purpose of the event is to develop a conference plan for clergy assessment.  I know it sounds really exciting, but it could be very helpful.
It makes me think about the idea of assessment.  The Leadership Council is initiating a strategic planning process.  We want to have the clearest idea possible of where God wants to take us in the next few years. (Vision)  Then we must chart the course to get there. (Path)
Another part of this will be assessing our ministries.  It is important, every few years, to make sure what we are doing is consistent with and furthering our mission.  (Leading people to follow Jesus.)
I will certainly be doing self-assessment as part of this.  We will all be taking a look at how we are doing with moving the church forward in serving the Lord.
I am encouraged by what I see in the life of our church.
Today we launched our new service.  Frankly, it reminded me of "church" when I was growing up and developing a life of faith. 
This "traditional" service truly complements our other services, especially praise and worship and modern worship. 
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Cindy and I had the opportunity to hear Bobby Watson with the K.C. Symphony this weekend.  The jazz performance got me thinking about some of the things that most intrigue and interest me about Kansas City.
Since I was starting with Bobby Watson and others the whole Kansas City jazz history is amazing.  The American Jazz Museum tells a great story of Kansas City history.  Music played such a role in our history.  Definitely worth looking at.
Kansas City Baseball is also interesting.  Of course we are currently cheering for the Royals but this is "only" their 50th year.  Before the Royals the "A's" played here for a few uneventful years.  But before that the Kansan City Monarchs ruled the city.  They were the standard of the Negro League in those days.  I believe they had only one losing season during their 40 years.  The Monarchs sent more Negro League players to the major leagues than any others.  The Negro League Museum (next to the Jazz Museum) tells the history of baseball in Kansas City but more importantly the social issues of the era and how these men contributed to our city.
Another intriguing part of Kansas City is crime.  It is just one of those things with me.  Kansas City's history of organized crime is a blight on us but significant none the less.  Think about the Union Station shootout.  Those  criminals did some really bad things.  But my, what stories surround their time in the city.
There is also some Methodist history associated with Kansas City.  The uniting conference of 1939 was held here.  That had real significance as the church merged  together 95 years after the split over slavery.  It was an historic time.
One other area of great interest...Kansas City BBQ.  Need I say more.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Last evening Cindy and I had the opportunity to attend the performance of C.S. Lewis, The Most Reluctant Convert.  It is the story of Lewis' coming to faith from being a committed atheist to one of the great Christian thinkers and writers of the 20th century.  Perhaps you have read The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, Mere Christianity or other books C.S. Lewis has written.  (Maybe we should do a study of the works of great Christian thinkers.)  This play takes you to Lewis' coming to believe, first that there is a God and then to commitment to Jesus Christ.  A great story for any of us.
This is a production of the Fellowship For Performing Arts.  (Google it!)  They have a very intriguing mission: To provide provocative, entertaining theater, from a Christian worldview, for diverse audiences. 
In other words...provide an excellent product from a clearly Christian perspective for a diverse audience.  That would not be a bad goal for a church!
We certainly have no shortage of excellent material - the Bible, Christian tradition, Jesus!
We must share our story unapologetically from our unique Christian perspective.  Don't try to "make the Gospel relevant" (it IS relevant) - tell it truthfully.
We might look for ways to increase the diversity of our hearers.  In this context we are talking about a diversity of opinion regarding the faith.  Do we have room for committed believers?  I think so.  Is there a place in the church for Seekers?  I believe there is.  Do we have room for questioners and skeptics?  Pause...deep breath...Why yes, we do.
It's been a good day.  (Super Bowl Sunday) I hope you've had a good day too.
(Go Eagles!)