Sunday, September 25, 2016

Reflections From Sunday Evening

This was a strange day in the sports world.  Early this morning we learned that Miami Marlins star pitcher Jose Fernandez was killed in an accident.  He was 24.  He was a baseball player with a promising career ahead of him.  Major League Baseball teams across the country shared their sense of loss as one of that special fraternity left far too soon.
Then this evening reports come that Arnold Palmer has passed at age 87.  Of course he was a true legend of golf.  He contributed in a huge way to the popularity of golf as the sport found its way to tv with Palmer the star.  He continued to be a tremendous ambassador for the game of golf.
People find themselves all across the spectrum of life.  Some have promising days ahead while others reflect on great accomplishments and contributions.  The fact is all of us are making our contributions each day.  As followers of Jesus Christ we contribute through faithful obedience and service.  We live each day for the honor of Jesus.  We embrace the moment in ways like Jose Fernandez did in his short career.  We continue to be ambassadors for Christ all through life like Arnold Palmer did for the game of golf.  It never stops.
So we can take a couple of minutes this evening to consider two sports stars who pass from our midst.  But we also take a few minutes to remember those brothers and sisters, known and unknown who live, serve and die in faith.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I referenced "Sherpas" in the message today.  I came across these people in a sermon Len Sweet published.  I thought it might be good to follow up with some more information.  Wikipedia has a section on the Sherpas.  The section on "Mountaineering" gives insight to this unique people group.
"Sherpas are highly regarded as elite mountaineers and experts in their local area.  They were immeasurably valuable to early explorers of the Himalayan region, serving as guides at the extreme altitudes of the peaks and passes in the region, particularly for expeditions to climb Mt. Everest. Sherpas are renowned in the international climbing and mountaineering community for their hardiness, expertise, and experience at very high altitudes."
Sherpas guide explorers and mountain climbers over the peaks.  They know when to go and when to stop.  They know when to wait and when to proceed.  They can read the warning signs that may save lives.
It was suggested today (thanks Stan Shipman) that we should rename our Hospitality Team the "Sherpas".  I'm not sure that will gain traction but who knows!
Regardless of whether or not we start calling people "Sherpas" what they provide could be applied to worship and God's gifts to lead us over the peaks and through the valleys of the Christian life.
Worship keeps us on the path.  Worship provides warning when we get in spiritual danger.  Worship calls out to those who have wandered away or gotten lost.
Our spiritual "Sherpas" could certainly guide us over the path of following Jesus.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, September 11, 2016


This week I will take some time to "Converge".  Actually Converge is the name of our annual pastor's event.  It is a combination of continuing education, fellowship and spending some time with friends.  It is a time to worship and learn.  It is a time to catch up with some of those fellow clergy we do not see often.  It promises to be a good time.
Some times we take things for granted.  We have the regular opportunity to meet together for worship and fellowship.  As clergy we play a different role.  I am blessed to be in worship each weekend but there is something necessary about times to worship and not have any leadership responsibilities.  So I play to take advantage this week.
On another note...
Many people took advantage of the building tours this weekend.  I heard many positive comments.  It is pretty impressive and we are looking forward to moving in.  Planning on things being ready by the end of November.
On another note...
Speaking of building tours... We looked at an unfinished project today.  I hope you note the similarity to our building project and our spiritual lives.  We continue to be "unfinished projects" as we keep growing in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Keep on.
On another note...
Did you see that Chiefs comeback today?
It's been a great day.  I hope you've had a great day too.