Sunday, July 27, 2014
Reflections from Sunday Evening
It seems like the world is boiling over. A 24 hour cease fire between Israel and Hamas may or may not be honored. CNN reported that 52 Christian families left the city of Mosul with only the clothes on their backs. The ultimatum from ISIS was "convert to Islam, pay a fine or face death." Christians and Muslims fight in Africa. Churches are burned. Retaliation follows. There is strife in Egypt. We know of the battles in Syria. People - innocent people - suffer. Tension builds.
It would be easy to lose heart. However we dare not give in to the strife and pain all around.
We are called to pray. How might we stand in solidarity with Christian brothers and sisters around the world? How will we care for and support God's people in distress?
Perhaps we might begin by giving thanks for the peace we enjoy. With great blessings such as we experience come great requirements. Jesus would indicate to us that "to whom much is given much is required." How could this apply to anyone if not us?
So we live in peace while brothers and sisters lose possessions, freedom and perhaps even life itself.
But we must not lose heart. Listen afresh to the words of Luke 21:28. "When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."
The Living Translation says it this way. "So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation is near."
The point is we who have the Spirit of the Lord never lose hope. How will we share the hope of Christ with those who suffer? We may not go around the world and save refugees, but there will arise some way to assist them. We may walk across the street and show mercy to one in need. We may offer hope to the struggling. I am sure God will provide opportunity to us as we seek His heart and reach out to those in need.
On a different note...We completed our "God on Broadway" series today. I cannot thank our music team, led by Walter Bryant, nearly enough! Each week the music touched our hearts. This is so exciting since a changed heart is a great step toward a changed life!
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Reflections From Sunday Evening
Today Alan, Elisha, Reese and Jake Herndon were with us the Sunday before they move to Kansas. Alan and Elisha are not only great members of PWUMC but also one of those families that have become true friends. Alan and I have served together on our conference Board of Ordained Ministry and made many trips back and forth to Columbia, Mo. for meetings. We have had opportunities to share in a number of events and ministries in the Church. I have known Alisha since she was about 3 years old. On our first Sunday at Platte Woods she came up to Cindy and me and asked if we recognized her. When she told me who she was it was a joy. Her mom and dad were serving the Christian Church in Waverly, Mo. when we moved there in 1978. Great friends. Anyway, the Herndon family means a lot to me. Alan has accepted the position of President of the Kansas United Methodist Foundation. It is a great opportunity and he will serve well. Reese pointed out that her dad is the "President" and her mom is the "first lady." Absolutely.
It seems to be the nature of life these days. People move around and have a series of new experiences in life.
There was another person who came to church today asking me if I knew who she was. She looked familiar but I was at a loss. When she told me, Carolyn Morgan, I could hardly believe it. It was a surprise. Carolyn and her family used to live in Blue Springs and were some of the earliest members of the church we started there. As a matter of fact Carolyn was the first adult baptism in that church. What a great memory. She was visiting in the area today and came to church.
Life is filled with great relationships, new and old. It puts things is a different perspective when one of us takes a new step in life. We get reminded that our relationships are not dictated by proximity but rather spirit.
Each week I witness new relationships being formed. There are people who come to church for the first time. There are others who have become consistent. There are many who have been here for years. Together we make a pretty amazing place where grace prevails and love is the foundation of our relationships.
It's been a really good day. I hope you've had a good day too.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Reflections From Sunday Evening
The Christian life is like a stream continually flowing. That is certainly the image we may claim for our personal Christian life. The stream of the Holy Spirit is an everflowing stream of grace, power and love. The Spirit flows with a gentle ripple or sometimes as a fast current. Sometimes the Spirit seems very peaceful and gentle. There are other times the Spirit moves like a white water rapid. The Spirit ebbs and flows continually.
We see the Spirit move in and through the Church. The constant factor is that the Spirit never stands still. There is always something new, creative and redemptive moving. We witness this in our church. Last week we had Vacation Bible School. Over 400 children participated along with approximately 150 adult leaders and helpers. The Spirit was moving in the lives of children.
Today we bridged children and adults with worship. The Holy Spirit was active in lifting Jesus to the forefront. The Spirit moves.
This week 50 young people will be attending Church Camp. It is difficult to explain how the Spirit moves in the hearts and lives of children and youth in a camp setting. We fully anticipate more Spirit stirring this week.
In addition to that on Thursday a group from our church will be heading to Honduras for a week. Once again the Spirit is moving.
I pray the Spirit move in your life today. That is what we experience. This is what we expect.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Reflections From Sunday Evening
We began our "Musicals" series this weekend. We like to take a few weeks and feature our music ministry. This summer the theme is "Musicals" or "God on Broadway." We started with Les Miserables. The music was outstanding. Thanks to Mark Malone who shared the theme and story line. It was a joy to share with others in looking for the thread of the Gospel in this epic story.
When Victor Hugo published Les Miserables in 1862 the arts and literature seemed to have more Christian themes. Les Mis is full of Christianity and the story of a redeemed life.
I am not sure what motivates today's arts and literature but when we take a look it is possible to discover threads of the Gospel even today. God is author of all good gifts. God can even use someone who does not set out to advocate for faith to reach people with His Good News. Pretty Amazing
This month we take a look at some long standing musicals and search for the Gospel.
On another note...
Tomorrow we begin Vacation Bible School. At last count we had 412 children signed up. As I spoke with Pastor Jessica she shared that 82 of these children indicate no church home on their registration! That is some of the most exciting news I heard all week. I pray that the Holy Spirit work through this week to draw many to Christ and provide the blessing of Christian community. Join with me in that prayer. It promises to be a super week.
This has been a really good day. I hope you've had a good day too.
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