Sunday, November 25, 2012
Reflections From Sunday Evening
I hope you have had a blessed Thanksgiving holiday. I would love for us to take advantage of this reminder and make a new commitment to practice thanksgiving in our daily life. What if tomorrow morning when you got up (and got your wits about you) you began your day thanking God for those things that come to mind? Perhaps this "ritual" of thanks could continue the next day and the next until it becomes a habit. The next thing you know thanks could not only begin your day but also conclude your day. Then the next thing you know you find yourself taking moments throughout the day to give thanks. There is even more. You find yourself not only thanking God but you get even more intentional about saying thank you to people you encounter. Before long you are a different person. One more attitude - one more activity contributes to the Holy Spirit transforming your life.
Thank you.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Reflections From Sunday Evening
What do you do on a "short" week? With Thanksgiving this thursday the school week is shortened. Most people will have thursday off from work - unless you are in the "Black Friday" thing. In church life I am never sure what to make of these short weeks. We take the day thursday like everyone else. It is also a great opportunity to do something differnt on friday. But the reality is Sunday comes just like any week and there is the expectation that church goes on and a message is shared. So a short week can be a challenge.
But rather than look at a week like this as being short why not simply see it as a "different" week. There are the same number of hours in this week as there are in any week. We merely have a chance to change things up a bit.
A short week is an opportunity to step out of a routine that may become rote.
A short week is an opportunity to focus on something different than we might in a normal week.
A short week is an opportunity to change the pace.
A short week is an opportunity to recognize the Lord's presence in our lives with fresh insight.
My prayer is that you claim the opportunity to experience the fresh touch of Jesus Christ as we step out of our routines and encounter the Lord is a different way.
Be thankful. Enjoy your short week with a full touch of grace.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Reflections From Sunday Evening
This weekend I had the opportunity to lead a class on "Theology in the Wesleyan Spirit" for 18 students in the Course of Study. They were primarily part-time local pastors serving in our United Methodist Church. We had pastors from Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska and even a person from Washington state. It was a great group and I had a blessed time sharing with them.
It is encouraging to find people learning to "think theologically." We all do this. We bring our understanding of God to the decisions and choices we make each day. At least I encourage you to bring God into your decision making process. It truly makes a huge difference.
We think theologically when we manage our time and our money. We think theologically when we do something for someone else. I think you get the idea. God is a vital part of all of life.
This week remember God is with us not only in worship and "church" things. God is with us in all of life. I pray you experience His presence this week.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Reflections From Sunday Evening
Vote. We are afforded this unique privilege as Americans. I am aware of some who indicate they do not like either candidate and will not vote. Some do so as a stragety for change. If enough people refuse to participate in the system it will be reformed. Some would say since they cannot fully support either candidate it would be wrong to vote. There are other reasons why many will stay away from the polls this week.
Let me go on record by saying I somewhat understand the sentiments being expressed by the "don't vote" people I respectively disagree.
I do not believe anyone may make a system better by non-participation.
We have been working a strategy for renewal/reform in America this past week. Monday through Friday last week nearly 100 people came for morning prayer services. Our "7:14" program has touched many. We will gather one more day - Monday Nov. 5 at 7:14 in the morning. We will look at the final part of 2 Chronicles 7:14 and focus on the promise.
"I will hear thier prayers, forgive their sins and heal their land."
We dare to believe it is a timeless principle that when we pray God always hears. When we ask God always forgives. When we seek God heals, or restores.
Our strategy invovles ordering our lives in Christ honoring, Spirit filled ways. We expect a day to come when political ads will not be name calling and attacks. We expect a day to come when the American people demand that candidates give us their best ideas and plans to implement them in ways that will contribute to greatness as a nation.
After you vote contribute to civility of discourse in the political arena.
After you vote believe that you are part of something significant and 25-30 years(7 elections) from now Americans will be operating in a new, reformed, way. May people look back on the election season of 2012 and point to our time as the time when things began to change.
Join us in continuing our strategy.
Monday morning at 7:14 we gather to pray.
Tuesday (election day) participate in our 13 hour prayer vigil as we continue in prayer while the polls are open.
On Tuesday night join us at 7:14 P.M. for a "Praise Service."
We should work for what we believe in. Support who you will. However we are not praying for our candidate, our party or our cause. We pray that God reign over us. We pray to order our lives in Christ honoring ways.
You make a difference.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.
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