Sunday, December 18, 2011

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Just a reminder of why they go ahead and play the game - Chiefs 19 Packers 14. Oh well.
Now on to the matter at hand.
We have our first "Christmas Eve" service this wednesday, December 21 at 7:00. On Saturday the 24th we offer 5 traditional service and 2 that will follow our NEXT style. Services will be in the sanctuary @ 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11. Services in Memorial Hall @ 5 & 7. We anticipate a great Christmas Eve and truly hope you will be part of our worship and bring others with you.
This is much different from what I remember doing on Christmas Eve when I was growing up. In those days we had our children's Christmas program on Christmas Eve. We would sing our songs and say our parts. Then Santa showed up and broght us gifts - nuts, oranges and Christmas candy. After that it was off to my grandparents for Oyster Stew and opening one gift.
I remember it well. I remember my grandpa sitting in his chair and telling me to go to the tree and look for a package that has a "snake letter" (that would be on S) on it. Good memories.
We do things much differently today. Things seem bigger and faster. Things are more complex. But we continue to create memories.
When you come to a Christmas Eve service you will hear the Christmas Story read from Luke 2. You will sing familiar Christmas Carols. You will share in Holy Communion. You will light a candle and sing Silent Night in a darkened sanctuary.
And someday you will tell others about going to church on Christmas Eve and recalling the sounds and sights that will be part of your life all your days.
Looking forward to seeing you Christmas Eve.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Reflections from Sunday Evening

The variety of gifts seen in the church always amazes me. Case in point - The Christmas cantata our choir shared in church this weekend. For those of us who can't carry a tune those with musical skills and gifts are pretty outstanding.

Every week I witness people who exercise gifts in how they relate to people, how they serve Christ and the Church in a variety of manners -- teaching - administering - serving - the list could go on and on.

The next step in our understanding of gifts comes when we go beyond our natural and learned abilities.

Spiritual gifts take our natural gifts a step further. A spiritual gift could be defined as a supernatural attribute of the Holy Spirit -- These gifts are distributed by the Holy Spirit for use in the context of ministry/service in the Church.

I often think of finding myself serving the Lord beyond my capabilities. It is pretty awesome when the Lord works through people to accomplish divine purposes.

The Christmas season is about God's divine action in the world. The story need not end with our celebration of the birth of Christ but continue to be seen through the present reality of the Holy Spirit at work in and through the people of God. I encourage you not to settle for doing what you are able to do - make yourself available for what God can do.

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Here's a Thought

Cindy had the insight. Our daughter once attended a concert and she and her friend got "full access" passes. That will get you in the concert and backstage. Full access to the entire venue.
Today we talked about the birth of Jesus. The scriptures tell us he is Immanuel - God with us.
That is not the end of the story. But it is full access to the life of grace - full salvation and all the blessings, benefits, and responsibilities of living in relationship with God.

Full access. Is this your experience?

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.