Sunday, September 25, 2011

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It was a joy to share in passing out Bibles to our third-graders today. This is a highlight in our church. It is such an important thing to introduce our students to God's Word. Our teachers will teach the Word and our children with learn eternal truths.

Another important part of Christian development kicked off today. We started Confirmation. We introduce the Confirmation process beginning in the 6th grade. The goal is to give our students everything they need to make a personal commitment to Christ that will last a lifetime.

A goal we have with Confirmation is to develop a system that will help produce young believers in Christ who will continue in the faith and be lifelong followers of Jesus Christ.

Our church shows a great commitment to making disciples for Jesus Christ, especially among our young people.

Today was a great day - great music - (Hope you caught "Man in the Mirror" and you "make that change"!) great attendance - great spirit -- a great God.

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Reflections From Sunday Evening

We began a new message series today - focused on the "parable of the prodigal son" - but we are using the title from Tim Keller's book, "The Prodigal God."

Prodigal = spending resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant.

Making a case that the "real" prodigal in the story is the Father - who gives freely - some might say recklessly or even wastefully - grace.

Today we looked at the younger son coming to a "moment of clarity."

I believe God initiates moments of clarity in everyone's life. Believer or non-believer; active or inactive; God is at work. The Holy Spirit gives the moment of clarity where one sees who they are and where they are, and where they might be and who they could be in Christ.

Our response to our moment of clarity - be it a flash or flicker of light or a full-fledged vision - determines the rest of our story.

The son in the story "got up and went to his Father."

How will we respond to our moments of clarity?

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Faith in Action weekend was a true blessing. The impact our church made is astounding. You prepared enough meals to feed 100's of people for a year. You entered into homes and brought hope. You partnered with others to enhance their work in parks, animal shelters and care centers. Your impact would total just under $50,000 of work. 1000's of hours of service accumlated through the weekend. What a joy.
This evening we capped the weekend with a worship service at Park Hill South. The music from the youth band, Wesleyan Choir and Praise Team inspired everyone.
Pastor Angie brought a message of hope, encouragement and inspiration.
As I took it all in my thought was "I am so privileged to be your pastor!" What a joy.
Part of the service was a time to reflect on 9-11.
We remember those whose lives were taken that fateful day.
We remember and give thanks for those who sacrificed their lives to help others.
We reflect on how the events of that tuesday morning changed our world and our lives.
We celebrate our response to the events of 9-11. Rather than return hate for hate we choose to serve others as a reflection of our love for Christ.
Rather than plot revenge we put our trust and hope in God.
Rather than yield to fear we take our place as people of faith.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.