Sunday, August 29, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Who would have thought a sermon series on tv game shows would create such buzz? Glad it did and trust people will continue to talk and more importantly be increasingly aware of God being involved in every dimension of our lives.
Here is a little re-cap.
Let's Make a Deal -- Jacob says to God "if you will ---- then I will....." We'd be better off not trying to bargain the terms of our relationship with the Lord.
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? -- perhaps the better question - What must I do to inherit eternal life? -- true riches are experienced in relationship to Christ.
A Minute to Win It -- God is continually intersecting our lives and we seek to recognize and respond to the presence of the Lord in all of culture and interactions with others.
The Price is Right -- Come buy, without money! -- The Showcase of Faith includes grace, mercy, pardon & forgiveness, virtue, fruitfulness and eternal life -- the cost - zero -- the cost - everything - faith, trust, commitment, love and life.
From here we will moving into a series on "Parenting." Hopefully there will be something for everyone in this three week series during september with a special emphasis on that season of life where we are raising children.
Then we will do a series on "Balance." We'll talk about finding balance in how we use our time and especially find some important ideas about financial balance.
In November we will do a series on "Healthy Church." Details to come!
December will be a time to look at "Polaris" - the North Star.
In January our series will be "I Believe in God But....."
I'd love to get more "previews" out so people will be able to do some prep work and hopefully get more out of our worship services. It has been a busy and fast summer. Looking forward to a few days off now. Then ready for Fall. Good things are happening. I pray they happen in your life!
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I've been thinking about the mosque being planned as part of a project two blocks from Ground Zero in New York. There has been some very heated conversation regarding the pros and cons of such a project. Some believe freedom of religion mandates that all religions have opportunity so the project should be approved. Some believe the horror of 9-11 prohibits the construction of a house of worship that is identified with the religious sentiments of those who perpetrated the attack.

To begin I confess I am nowhere near an authority on Islam. As a matter of fact I confess I am not a great fan of this particular religious system. I am a Christian without compromise. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. It is my hope that my faith inform my opinions regarding issues of the day.

So as a follower of Christ and a non-champion of Islam what should I think about building a mosque in such close proximity to the place where terrorists attacked?

I have been reminded of some of our statements in the aftermath of 9-11. One of the telling remarks was "we will not forgive - we will not forget." If that is our sentiment there would certainly be no mosque near Ground Zero - or anywhere else for that matter.

We will certainly not forget. That day has been burned into our minds and souls. But what about forgiveness?

I've been saying - because I read it somewhere and can't remember where - that the three great world religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam each make a unique contribution. Judaism gives us a great depth of family and community. Islam contributes devotion to prayer. Christianity's unique contribution is forgiveness.
So I have a challenge. I may easily identify with those who lost loved ones and friends in the terror attacks and cannot really blame them for not wanting any symbol of our "enemy" to be constructed. Even so I am not able to say "I will never forgive." Central to my faith is the message of Jesus and his instructions to forgive - even your enemy.

Personally I would probably hope to be more sensitive to others and would not initiate a project that would have the effect of the Islamic Center in New York. With that said I would also choose to error on the side of religious freedom, even for those with whom I do not agree or find common ground.

I'm not sure what will actually happen but I hope we are able to still the storm surrounding this passionate issue. When it all gets settled I will always take the best of our Christian faith and put it up with the best of any other philosophy or religion and watch Christianity carry the day and win the hearts and souls of people.

Glad to get that said. It's been a really good day. Church was super. The spirit and joy were priceless. I pray that the Living God intersect your life today and that you recognize and respond to the grace at work in your life!

I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Just home from a very meaningful celebration of life for Dick Johnson. This retired Methodist pastor influenced many, from the mission field, to the district to the local church. In retirement Dick had been an active participant at Platte Woods United Methodist Church. When I first arrived here Dick was one of those who offered encouragement. Today a large crowd gathered to celebrate his life. It was a truly meaningful time.

Earlier today we looked at the contrast between culture's question, "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" and the gospel story, "How do I inherit eternal life?" Special thanks to Jennifer Simms who let us show a clip from her appearance on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" and shared with us in the message. (Do you know what country the Negev Desert is in?)

There was a good spirit today. I trust that people will find the risen Lord Jesus Christ intersecting their lives this week and experiencing his grace to follow into the fullness and abundance of life in Christ.

One more insight from today. From where I sat the joy of the Lord was evident. I wish everyone could enjoy our staff's fellowship and the fun we have as we lead worship.

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Just to recap from today. God makes UNCONDITIONAL promises and we tend to make CONDITIONAL commitments. The idea is to respond to the Lord as He does to us. Unconditionally.

The other thing to keep in mind is that as we move through our day we will have untold opportunities to recognize the presence of God meeting us. So the next time you watch a TV game show hopefully you will be reminded that the culture may open a window when viewed through the lens of Jesus and our faith that opens the way for spiritual insight.

On another note - Be sure to drink plenty of water. We will be inside for our Hot August Nite this Wednesday. Last week went well and this week will be even better. Come and enjoy Walter Bryant and the band he brings to share with us.

I'ts pretty much too hot to think very inspiring thoughts so I'll make this short today. Just take one more thought from this morning with you into your week. When you come to a crossroad and need to make a decision between achievement and character - choose character.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Finished up the Defining Moments series - Not an original idea - several others doing similar series so must be good stuff. I used Andy Stanley's definition of a defining moment to get started - When you discover a truth or rediscover a truth you've forgotten or intentionally set aside, in such a way that it changes your life and transforms you forever - that is a defining moment. I added the experience part -we are Wesleyan you know - When you experience the living God - when you have such an experience of Jesus Christ that it redirects your life, sets the course of your life in a new direction, elevates the trajectory of your life so that you find yourself more perfectly aligned with the plans, purposes and will of God and find yourself in a place of blessing and abundance and purpose. Bottom line - Defining Moments set the course of life where God is leading you.

I trust we left church today with a renewed sense that God is with us.

Now on to the next series. We are going to do TV Game Shows. The thought is that popular culture provides a window to Christian faith practices. Next week: Let's Make a Deal - have you ever tried to bargain with God? It is more than a game. We'll see where it takes us.

We had a great spirit at church today. Good crowd. Happy people. I do believe the Lord is alive and well among us.

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.