Sunday, July 25, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Nice to have a break from the heat - although I have pointed out that I have not shoveled snow or had to scrape ice and snow off my car for several weeks. There have been no issues with ice and snow on the parking lot at church. But it has been hot. Grateful for a bit of a break.
Its been a good weekend. A wedding on Saturday night. Always good to share in such a special moment with some really great people.
Angie preached my sermon on Saturday night and did it better than I can! I call that "risk-taking".
Had the opportunity to preach three times this morning - Defining Moments - Joseph: The Integrity Phase. Just remember to nurture integrity of spirit, faith and character during the times when things are going great and you will be better equipped to maintain your integrity in tough times.
This afternoon we had our first Engage/Equip Class where we put everything into a two hour time period. I was excited to share about Purpose - Mission - Practices - Values - Vision and Goals with a great group of leaders and other interested persons.
The prayer I invite people to pray as it relates to our church is -- May we be as significant a church as God dreams us to be.
We are getting on board and moving forward with the Lord. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day to.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Just got back from meeting with a group of people beginning to plan a new worship service. Pretty exciting - looking for new ways of doing church - more high energy - more interactive - more relational. We start with 18 people who will be going into their neighborhoods and social networkds testing some assumptions and interacting with others. We have a few questions that will be asked - feel free to try this yourselves.

1. Do you currently attend a local church in the area?
2. Why do you suppose most people around here do not regularly attend church?
3. What are the major needs in our community?
4. Do you think you might consider being a regular participant in a local church?
5. If so, what would that church be like?

We are heading out to find people who would be starting a walk with Christ or returning to the faith from which they have been absent for a season. The plans are to have things in place this fall and off we go.

Had a good day at church today. Always good when we celebrate baptism!
In the past few days have had some insights - here are some random thoughts.

When coming to a choice between achievement and character - choose character.

A couple of things relating to prayer: Start praying "Sun Stand Still" prayers - see the book of Joshua and see what this refers to - basically it is asking God to do audacious things so we may accomplish His purposes.

Another prayer I invited some of our staff to begin praying - That we be the most significant church God can dream us to be. -- I invite you to join in that prayer. Who knows exactly what God will do.

It's been a good day. Hot - Still good. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

When you come to a crossroads and need to choose between achievement and character - choose character.
That's a "prayer insight" from this week. It seems obvious but it is such a challenge to be people of character when it looks like it could cost us something we value - like success.
Another insight - the Kansas City Royals should not play games on July11. Right now they are behind 15-5 - last year on July 11 they gave up 15 runs to the Red Sox. Therefore, stay away from July 11.
Another insight - There are seasons in life when we just know God is putting some pieces together that will produce good fruit in due time.
The same holds true for churches. Sometimes we simply get the sense that God is preparing His people to move forward in mission and ministry.
How to go about helping people get connected to Christ and the Church -- Invest - invest yourself in someone's life who is not a full (or even partial) participant in the life of grace (the church) -- Invite - Once you have invested in a person and established a genuine friendship - invite them to come with you to worship - a step on the pathway of discipleship. (Your investment and invitation can have a great impact in ways it is hard to dream of.)
Another insight - Defining moments come when we discover or re-discover some propositional truth or have a meaningful experience with the Risen Lord, that sets direction for life and elevates the trajectory of our lives. (I'd cite Andy Stanley for the invest/invite and defining moments but I'm not sure what to reference - just some things I've been hearing/learning.)
We experience these defining moments as we "relentlessly pursue the presence of God."
That's enough random insights for now. Enjoy the day and week ahead as you relentlessly pursue the presence of God.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Happy Fourth of July! We had a joyful day at church today. Nice crowd for such a busy travel weekend. Absolutely great to be in the house of the Lord. We started our "Defining Moments" series and it would not surprise me to learn that someone experienced the Living Lord as a Defining Moment in life.

Thanks to everyone who helped with the Freedom of Faith celebration - cookout - water slide - ice cream - great fellowship. It certainly is great to be with the people of God.

I posted a quote on Facebook this week. It comes from N.T. Wright and his book "After You Believe." The point he made was "we live in a land where churchgoing once was a 'habit of the many' but is now a 'hobby of the few.'" Wright is from England and certainly Europe has seen a dramatic decline in participation in the Church. But we in America can identify with the idea as well.

The reason this is significant - not that merely going through the motions of church attendance (habit of the many) - is that we develop Christ-like character as we practice Christian virtues - This is done best in the context of the community of faith.

My prayer is that we experience a return to the practice of the life of faith (grace) that results in people experiencing the transformed lives Christ brings.

In the sermon we learned that after about 400 years a king (Pharaoh) came on the scene in Egypt who did not know Joseph and sorely oppressed the Hebrew people. Our country is 234 years old. It seems to get easier to forget foundational principles the longer we go. I pray we take this time to remember our freedom and learn once again to attribute the blessings we enjoy to the goodness of God.

This could be a Defining Moment - for all of us.

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.