This has been an amazing few days. Today Ginger preached a very engaging sermon! I found it encouraging to be reminded that we may have the opportunity to "start over" if need be! Not only was the sermon really good -- the youth band was super. These young people just started working on this a few months ago and here they were leading our church in worship. What talent! I really appreciate everyone who participates and those who give themselves so generously to bring out the best in our young people.
That is not all that keeps my heart thumping. I am still jazzed about Christmas Eve. We had a great evening. There is nothing like hearing the Christmas Story, singing the carols and lighting a candle. Each service was alive with the Spirit and well attended. I appreciate everyone who worked so hard to provide worship opportunities for over 1900 people.
As if our worship experiences were not enough about 20 people gathered at the church on Christmas morning and prepared Christmas dinner plates for 46 people who were working at convenience stores or other businesses that were open on Christmas Day. Somehow I think some of the younger children will remember this type of service as they grow up.
So the church has been alive and well in worship and service. God keeps blessing us abundantly.
We have had a really good year. We ended well. I'll be getting some information out about how we have done with attendance, finances and things like that but for now simply know God has been good. Now we get ready for the start of a brand new year. I'll be getting some thoughts together regarding what may be in store for us! I have a feeling God is going to keep the Spirit stirring and continue to refresh our souls.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day -- and sense the Spirit of the Lord around you and in you.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Reflections From Sunday Evening
In spite of the bitter cold we had a really good day at church. As always the music was inspiring. Everyone who is sharing the litanies and lighting Advent candles are a tremendous blessing. I believe God is making us ready to celebrate the gift of His Son at Christmas.
Another reminder of our Christmas Eve services.
Keep warm -- if possible. This morning I saw two dogs with jumper cables trying to get a rabbit started!
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.
Another reminder of our Christmas Eve services.
- 3:00 p.m. Curtis and Angie will lead us in a service designed for children and families. This has become a popular service.
- At 5:00 we will have two services. The sanctuary is generally full for this service. This year instead of using Memorial Hall as "overflow" we will be having a youth-led service concurrent with the sanctuary service. The youth band will lead the music. The sermon will be video of the sanctuary service. It has great potential.
- The other services will be at 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00. Plan to worship the Lord in carols, communion and candles!
Keep warm -- if possible. This morning I saw two dogs with jumper cables trying to get a rabbit started!
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Christmas is Coming!
One week from today is Christmas Eve. We are putting the finishing touches on our plans for the five Christmas Eve services. We begin with Curtis and Angie leading our children's/family service at 3:00 p.m. At 5:00 we are trying something slightly different this year. We are inviting our youth and their families to worship in Memorial Hall with a live worship service (youth praise band) and the sermon on video. Hopefully this will help take a little of the overflow from the sanctuary. The 7:00; 9:00 and 11:00 services will follow the same format. I'll be preaching at each service. In addition we will sing Christmas carols, have communion and light a candle. (Everyone likes to light a candle on Christmas Eve.)
At our services we will give everyone an opportunity to make a Christmas offering. God has blessed us this year and we want to use this offering to make it possible to bless others. All of our Christmas Eve offering will go to our "discretionary fund." This is used to help people in need. We track every request and our response. The need grows greater each year. I anticipate an increasing number of requests in the coming year. It is heartbreaking when we face the reality that we cannot do everything! We make a special effort to guarantee that any of our members who have specific needs are cared for. In addition we want to do all we can to provide food and other essentials to those outside our faith community. It is so important to focus on the needs of others. So I encourage everyone to plan to give generously (extravagant generosity!) at our Christmas Eve service. You will be sharing in ministry to others in a significant way.
There is a little publicized ministry that a number of our people do on Christmas Day. A group of people get together and put together plates of food that are then delivered to people who are working on Christmas. These meals are received with great appreciation.
This is a tremendous season of the year! Jesus Christ is born! Join us this weekend, be with us Christmas Eve -- keep being present into the new year! May God bless you.
At our services we will give everyone an opportunity to make a Christmas offering. God has blessed us this year and we want to use this offering to make it possible to bless others. All of our Christmas Eve offering will go to our "discretionary fund." This is used to help people in need. We track every request and our response. The need grows greater each year. I anticipate an increasing number of requests in the coming year. It is heartbreaking when we face the reality that we cannot do everything! We make a special effort to guarantee that any of our members who have specific needs are cared for. In addition we want to do all we can to provide food and other essentials to those outside our faith community. It is so important to focus on the needs of others. So I encourage everyone to plan to give generously (extravagant generosity!) at our Christmas Eve service. You will be sharing in ministry to others in a significant way.
There is a little publicized ministry that a number of our people do on Christmas Day. A group of people get together and put together plates of food that are then delivered to people who are working on Christmas. These meals are received with great appreciation.
This is a tremendous season of the year! Jesus Christ is born! Join us this weekend, be with us Christmas Eve -- keep being present into the new year! May God bless you.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Reflections From Sunday Evening
Is our music ministry great or what? Today was the Christmas Cantata. The choir actually did this three times this weekend. I certainly hope everyone involved feels great about the wonderful ministry they provided this weekend. Thanks to Walter and everyone involved.
One of the things we do each Sunday morning is gather in the prayer room to pray for our services. Our pastors along with Gene and Thelma Pease and Nancy Sitzmann gather to pray. Whoever is preaching that day kneels at the altar and the others gather round, lay hands on the preacher and pray. Today we invited Nancy to kneel and allow the rest of us to pray for her as she represented the entire music ministry. This is just another way we see our church come together and seek the Lord's power in our midst. I certainly believe our prayers were answered this morning!
Later in the day Curtis led a new member group as we got acquainted and talked about the ministry of PWUMC and what we expect of our people. There was a great group of people seated around those tables. Each person has a story of faith and has found their way to our church. I pray these and many more will find great fulfillment in the Christian life through the ministry God is inspiring and we are enjoying.
The temperature has dropped and it is cold enough to hurt your face if you go out and walk the dog! The Chiefs invented yet another way to lose a game. (I still can't figure out how they managed that.) But all in all it has been a good day. God has blessed us in many ways. It's been a good day. I pray and trust that you have had a good day too.
One of the things we do each Sunday morning is gather in the prayer room to pray for our services. Our pastors along with Gene and Thelma Pease and Nancy Sitzmann gather to pray. Whoever is preaching that day kneels at the altar and the others gather round, lay hands on the preacher and pray. Today we invited Nancy to kneel and allow the rest of us to pray for her as she represented the entire music ministry. This is just another way we see our church come together and seek the Lord's power in our midst. I certainly believe our prayers were answered this morning!
Later in the day Curtis led a new member group as we got acquainted and talked about the ministry of PWUMC and what we expect of our people. There was a great group of people seated around those tables. Each person has a story of faith and has found their way to our church. I pray these and many more will find great fulfillment in the Christian life through the ministry God is inspiring and we are enjoying.
The temperature has dropped and it is cold enough to hurt your face if you go out and walk the dog! The Chiefs invented yet another way to lose a game. (I still can't figure out how they managed that.) But all in all it has been a good day. God has blessed us in many ways. It's been a good day. I pray and trust that you have had a good day too.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Reflections From Sunday Evening
You missed it! At least if you weren't a parent or grandparent of one of our children in the music and arts program this afternoon, you missed it. Here is what you missed. A whole lot of smiles! A whole lot of joyful singing. Dancing. All you had to do was look into the faces of children and you saw something wonderful. Life. Love. Happiness. Joy. Excitement. I could use many other words but I think you get the point.
Personally I am glad I did not miss it. Along with many others I was able to catch a glimpse into the Gospel. I believe Jesus certainly knew what he was talking about when he commended the little children and told the disciples not to keep them from coming to be blessed.
When we gathered this afternoon we witnessed an extension of the joyful worship we had experienced all weekend. Candles lit -- worship in song -- prayers of the people -- the Word read and proclaimed. It was one of those days where you go home thinking I know God was there today. And then the children. Grace. Goodness. Gospel.
It was a good day. I hope you had a good day too.
Personally I am glad I did not miss it. Along with many others I was able to catch a glimpse into the Gospel. I believe Jesus certainly knew what he was talking about when he commended the little children and told the disciples not to keep them from coming to be blessed.
When we gathered this afternoon we witnessed an extension of the joyful worship we had experienced all weekend. Candles lit -- worship in song -- prayers of the people -- the Word read and proclaimed. It was one of those days where you go home thinking I know God was there today. And then the children. Grace. Goodness. Gospel.
It was a good day. I hope you had a good day too.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Reflections From Sunday Evening
Friday night we went to the Missouri Rep and saw A Christmas Carol. Cindy and I have seen this production a number of times through the years. It is one of those things I really enjoy. I know the story but there are always new slants to the way it is told. Some characters remain the same for a number of years and some change. The sets are always similar but there will be something a bit different each year.
Sometimes the actors change and there may be a different interpretation of certain scenes or characters but A Christmas Carol is always the story of redemption and salvation.
Dickens was a social reformer. His story of Scrooge reveals his belief that people may change. Even hard-hearted Scrooges may have their hearts changed and experience new life.
That is the gospel. Not only do I believe people "may" change -- People "MUST" change. We are simply too self-centered to honor God if something does not happen! But the good news is that God initiates the change we call conversion. We respond to God's initiative and experience the New Birth. (That's Wesleyan terminology for conversion.) God continues to change lives today.
Events, characters and interpretations of life may change but the message remains. Jesus Christ has changed my life. I want to share this great hope with you and everyone! It's been a good day. I hope you have a good day too.
Sometimes the actors change and there may be a different interpretation of certain scenes or characters but A Christmas Carol is always the story of redemption and salvation.
Dickens was a social reformer. His story of Scrooge reveals his belief that people may change. Even hard-hearted Scrooges may have their hearts changed and experience new life.
That is the gospel. Not only do I believe people "may" change -- People "MUST" change. We are simply too self-centered to honor God if something does not happen! But the good news is that God initiates the change we call conversion. We respond to God's initiative and experience the New Birth. (That's Wesleyan terminology for conversion.) God continues to change lives today.
Events, characters and interpretations of life may change but the message remains. Jesus Christ has changed my life. I want to share this great hope with you and everyone! It's been a good day. I hope you have a good day too.
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