Sunday, June 18, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Had a nice lunch and Father's Day conversation with my dad.  Funny how he remembers these stories from long ago.  I am sure the story about Jesse Jame's horse was passed down to him when he was young.  Evidently one of my ancestors had a big white horse.  Out in the country of St. Claire County Jesse James was interested in the horse.  (Would this be my great grandfather?) He made a number of offers but each was denied.  Finally as Jesse James prepared to ride away he made one more offer.  The horse he was riding plus added some more money to the deal.  Accepted.
The story continues when they read about Jesse James being cornered by a posse only to break through the back door of a store and out the glass window.  He was reported to have ridden out of town on a big white horse.
You be the judge on that one.  But it is pretty amazing the stories in our families.  You have them.  As a matter of fact you are writing stories now - your stories.  What will they be?
The story is told of my great grandfather...
Is it a faith story?  I hope the faith gets woven into the story of your life.  It will be remembered and told long into the future.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

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