Sunday, April 30, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

When we were talking about Thomas this weekend it struck me how gracious Jesus is to meet people where they are rather than where the "should" be.  One reason that is very hopeful is that "should" is totally subjective.  I have one idea of where I "should" be but you may have a totally different perspective.  Rather than establish some secret level of faith, love or commitment the Lord comes to each of us where we are.  Pretty amazing.
Of course Jesus does not leave people where he finds them.  Jesus does not save us from our sins and our past then move out of life.  No, Jesus is in this for the long-term.
The Lord meets us where we are.  He moves us toward him and brings us to a place of repentance (turning around) and faith.  He changes our hearts and then begins changing our lives.  Again, pretty amazing.
Thomas had to struggle with the idea of Jesus rising from the dead but once he was convinced his only response was "my Lord and my God."
I am wondering how and where you will meet Jesus and how you will express your faith?  My Lord and my God.
It's been a great day.  I hope you've had a great day to.

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