Sunday, August 9, 2015

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Maria Popova tweets "I love the idea of a 'theology of rest' amid our culture of compulsive productivity." Some days things strike us with greater clarity than others. Perhaps this is one of those days. I mentioned the good effects of a day off this week. Just a little rest contributes to a more positive spirit, renewed energy and peaceful outlook. It's amazing. The world is basically the same. The same challenging circumstances still exist. There are still decisions to make. I could go on and on. But rest aids perspective. I should know this. Years ago a mentor told me "when you get tired rest." That makes a lot of sense. Still we struggle. Ours is a culture of "compulsive productivity." We are judged by what we accomplish. We are evaluated on productivity. We can drive ourselves into non-productivity very easily. Leonard Sweet helps us see some of this in Church terms. We are gauged by ABC's. Attendance (which we have no control over), Buildings (as if they were the real mission which they are not), and Cash. The crazy thing about this is that there is never enough. There is always another person to reach for Christ. Attendance. There is always something to build or maintain. Building. There is never enough money, time or volunteers for a church that is alive and involved in mission. Cash. Sweet suggests a better evaluation would focus on MRI's. Mission, Relationships and Incarnation. I believe were we to do the MRI's well the ABC's would astound us. So with that said let's think about a "theology of rest." Certainly something to prayerfully consider. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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