Sunday, July 6, 2014

Reflections From Sunday Evening

We began our "Musicals" series this weekend. We like to take a few weeks and feature our music ministry. This summer the theme is "Musicals" or "God on Broadway." We started with Les Miserables. The music was outstanding. Thanks to Mark Malone who shared the theme and story line. It was a joy to share with others in looking for the thread of the Gospel in this epic story. When Victor Hugo published Les Miserables in 1862 the arts and literature seemed to have more Christian themes. Les Mis is full of Christianity and the story of a redeemed life. I am not sure what motivates today's arts and literature but when we take a look it is possible to discover threads of the Gospel even today. God is author of all good gifts. God can even use someone who does not set out to advocate for faith to reach people with His Good News. Pretty Amazing This month we take a look at some long standing musicals and search for the Gospel. On another note... Tomorrow we begin Vacation Bible School. At last count we had 412 children signed up. As I spoke with Pastor Jessica she shared that 82 of these children indicate no church home on their registration! That is some of the most exciting news I heard all week. I pray that the Holy Spirit work through this week to draw many to Christ and provide the blessing of Christian community. Join with me in that prayer. It promises to be a super week. This has been a really good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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