Sunday, October 13, 2013

Reflections From Sunday Evening

There is so much to think about this evening. I could talk about the $6,390,807.16 committed to our Home Campaign as of this evening. I could talk about the K.C. Chiefs being 6-0 with their best start to a season since 2003. I could talk about a great youth weekend of SHIFT. I could talk about a really neat boat ride around Weatherby Lake this evening. I could talk about MIZZOU football off to a great start. I could talk about the lives touched and encouraged by the grace of the Lord Jesus today. I could talk about the potential of our upcoming First Fruits offering the first weekend in November. I could talk about the children staying after church to learn how to be acolytes. I could talk about the hospitality training that took place today. There is a lot I could think about and reflect on today. But what I think I'll do is simply let all these things and ideas rest in God's hands. We all have so many things going on in our lives. We may easily find so many things going on that we meet ourselves coming and going. We move from one activity to the next. Our minds hardly ever turn off. We wake in the night thinking of what we need to do next. We scurry from one meeting to another. I think rather than try to share with you all the neat things going on I will invite you to join me in resting before the Lord. Life is filled with so much that has the potential to bring deep joy. Why not enjoy these gifts God places in our lives? So rather than let my mind fly around all that has been going on today I believe I will say a simple "thank you" to God. It's been a good day - a joy-filled day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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