Sunday, May 13, 2012

Reflections From Sunday Evening

The Shirt. Here's the story. At General Conference a women's group from the Democratic Republic of Congo had shirts for sale. They seem to like bright colors there. They were hand made. They brought them to General Conference and had them for sale in the Cokesbury Store. I learned that the proceeds from the sales went to support women's ministry in the Congo. I saw them and wanted to get one to bring home. That's what I wore today. On Saturday night I put it to a vote. Should I wear the shirt tomorrow? They gave me a resounding YES! Actually it was said that if they were going to be subjected to the shirt those on Sunday should be too. Among teh comments I got on the shirt were "it's ugly". Many commented on how "bright" it was. A few liked it. Actually I call it a hit. But the real story behind the shirt is a story from the Congo. Last week another 3000 Congolese escaped their country into nearby Rhwanda to escape the recent surge of bloodshed in the on-going battles between the DRC army and a another militia. Evidently this brings the number of refugees in camps to over 50,000. The Shirt is a very small way to identify with and support our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in the Congo. One day we will see peace. May it come quickly. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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