Sunday, July 25, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Nice to have a break from the heat - although I have pointed out that I have not shoveled snow or had to scrape ice and snow off my car for several weeks. There have been no issues with ice and snow on the parking lot at church. But it has been hot. Grateful for a bit of a break.
Its been a good weekend. A wedding on Saturday night. Always good to share in such a special moment with some really great people.
Angie preached my sermon on Saturday night and did it better than I can! I call that "risk-taking".
Had the opportunity to preach three times this morning - Defining Moments - Joseph: The Integrity Phase. Just remember to nurture integrity of spirit, faith and character during the times when things are going great and you will be better equipped to maintain your integrity in tough times.
This afternoon we had our first Engage/Equip Class where we put everything into a two hour time period. I was excited to share about Purpose - Mission - Practices - Values - Vision and Goals with a great group of leaders and other interested persons.
The prayer I invite people to pray as it relates to our church is -- May we be as significant a church as God dreams us to be.
We are getting on board and moving forward with the Lord. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day to.

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